Does Your Community Need a Jumpstart?

Whether you’re a new community for CCM or just need a reboot. With our 100 day plan we put in place milestone management, jump-start early wins, sort team roles, and drive ongoing two-way communication.

We take charge, build your team, and get immediate results. What are the biggest challenges that you would expect to face in the first 100 days of a launch? What has been your organization track record of managing change in general, adoption of new systems and practices specifically?

What’s in a 100 Day Plan?

  • Stepping stone goals at 30, 60, 90, and 100 days (or whichever time targets make sense for your organization)
  • The ability to make adjustments if targets are not hit or more time is needed
  • List of goals and objectives, broken out at intermediate milestones
  • A plan for measuring goals and tracking success

Contact Us

    To All Our Valued CCM Customers,

    CCM has upgraded our internal systems from TOPS Pro to the internet-based version of TOPS called Enumerate Central.

    Within Enumerate Central is a resident portal called “Engage”. Engage, is similar to Front Steps where you can make payments online, view ledgers and more.

    Please keep in mind that with any new systems upgrades you might be prompted to update, reset, or create a username and/or password.

    We appreciate your patience and understanding while we convert data. The goal is a better customer experience, and we will continue to strive to make that happen.



    CCM Management Team