Get Your Life Back. Being a board member should not and does not need to be a stressful, time-consuming, “job”.Have CCM Become Your Property Management Partner!
With the right partner you can free yourself from the thankless long hours and headaches.

More Time
Clear leadership and advice is provided to the board at every turn, allowing you to make the best decisions with almost no effort.
Less Stress
Headaches and stress minimized. Our team of experts handles everything. We’re here to help any time of the day; any day of the week!
We will review all systems, facilities, procedures & contracts, & make recommendations for cost savings that will absolutely benefit your community.
Financial Health
Each community receives written monthly Financial Reports, including general ledgers and bank statements. We will review all systems, facilities, procedures and contracts, and make recommendations for cost savings that will absolutely benefit your community. We are available to meet with your board representative so that projects stay on track, and you are always moving your goals and expectations forward.
Manager's Report
Monthly Manager’s reports to keep you apprised of the what’s happening in the community and what issues have been addressed.
Improved Pride
Stability through a blend of cost reductions, delinquency controls, proper budgeting and long-term planning to ensure your property is well maintained and beautified. Maintenance issues are addressed quickly and efficiently.
Living in harmony under a set of structured, proven rules and supported by our team of responsive support staff.